Parent Info Page
Sometimes it is hard to judge whether or not your child is sick enough to stay home. The final decision might be a judgment call on your part, or an intuitive feeling. A few rules of thumb may be helpful in offering you some guidance:
- Any vomiting or diarrhea during the night, in school or in the morning before school, must stay home for 24 hours until symptom free.
- If your child has a fever -- 100 degrees or higher, the child should stay home for 24 hours after the fever has subsided. Please be aware that if the temperature is 99.4 or higher in the morning that fevers trend higher in the afternoon.
- If your child complains of a sore throat in combination with headache and /or vomiting, it is quite possibly strep throat. The child should be taken to the pediatrician for a strep culture. If positive for strep throat, your child MUST stay home until he/she has taken antibiotics for 24 hours.
- If a child has discharge or crusting from eyes, please consult a pediatrician. The child should be treated and be discharge-free before returning to school.
- If your child has a cold with large amounts of congestion or any illness that prevents them from being able to focus in the classroom or might disturb the rest of the class, a day at home might make all the difference. If you are a working parent, I know that this can present difficulties however, you might be preventing a more serious illness by giving your child time to recover from a less serious illness.
No student is permitted to carry medication during school hours. All medications must be administered by the nurse in the health office. This also includes over the counter medications. All medications must be brought to the Health Office and be non-expired, clearly labeled, and in an original container. Any student needing an inhaler, epi-pen, or any medication must provide the nurse with a signed Medication-Rx Administration Form (available through the Health Office or downloaded below). Any student who has used these medications in the past should have received forms prior to the end of last school year, to be returned in the fall. Please send in completed forms and medications as soon as possible. Additional forms may be downloaded from the tabs below.
Vision and hearing screenings will be conducted during the school year. I expect to begin screenings in October and conclude by May. If your child is unable to pass the screening, a vision or hearing referral form will be sent home. Fifth grade students will be screened for scoliosis with parental permission in May.
Transfer students must present complete records of immunizations upon registration and prior to attending classes. The Immunization Form can be downloaded, as it appears in the Forms Section of this page. It is also available in the Health Office.
Please click here for NJ State required immunizations for your child:
Please click here for FAQ's regarding immunizations for your school-aged child: